domingo, 27 de fevereiro de 2011


Elle's 15 Questions Tag:
1. What do you think you can do but can't?
2. What's a difficult word for you to pronounce?
3. What is a favorite TV show from your childhood?
4. What are your virtues and vices?
5. What's more important: love, fame, power, or money?
6. If you could live in any era/time period, when would it be and why?
7. If you had to redo your entire wardrobe with 2 stores, what would they be and why?
8. Can you recall what you were doing a year ago on this day?
9. Do you have reoccurring dreams? If so, explain?
10. What's your horoscope?
11. What does your dream bedroom look like?
12. What position do you sleep in?
13. Who is your favorite vampire of all time?
14. What are you currently wearing on your feet?
15. Do you have neat handwriting? Show us!

Elle Fowler

desire to é um site de design onde podemos encontrar ideias muito boas.

Mission Accomplished! Another very satisfied (and quite possibly the cutest ever) Robeson Design Client. Take a look at the amazing transformation of Amanda’s new and improved bedroom.

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